Saliva Testing Drivers For Marijuana/THC
Regular readers of this blog know that I try to keep them informed about new methods of detecting marijuana (THC) in the body of drivers.
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Regular readers of this blog know that I try to keep them informed about new methods of detecting marijuana (THC) in the body of drivers.
Apparently drive-through bars are for real and being used more frequently during this pandemic! For instance, Johnny’s Bar and Casino became the first drive-through bar
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As USA Today reported in 2020, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), has long been criticized for not having any medical research to back up its efficacy. However,
Unlike testing for alcohol, breath testing technology does not yet exist for cannabis. However, this type of technology is growing ever closer. The principal problem
Tennessee DUI clients often inquire about how to procure an official copy of one’s driving history. This document will show all moving traffic violations for
According to an article published in Prosperous, a team from the University of Pittsburgh, including Dr. Ervin Sejdic, has created a breath testing device that
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As reported by, on May 30, 2019, Long Island, NY Congresswoman Kathleen Rice introduced a package of three bills that would combat impaired and
Tennessee Governor Lee has signed into law an amendment repealing the Tennessee Motor Vehicle Habitual Offender Law (Tennessee Code Annotated 55-10-601, et seq.), more commonly
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