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U.S. DUI News
False Breathalyzer Readings From Diabetes or Dieting
It is a little-known fact that breathalyzers do not measure alcohol: they actually measure the presence of a molecular group in chemical compounds. Ethyl alcohol
WV Deferral Program as applied to citizens licensed outside WV
In June of 2010, the West Virginia legislature enacted 17C-5-2b, an additional component to our 17C-5-2 DUI statute. It is commonly referred to as the “Deferral Program.”
Court Declares Multiple DUI Offenders Eligible For Early IID-Restricted Licenses
California residents convicted of a second or third drunk driving offense, or alcohol-related reckless driving (commonly referred to as a “wet reckless”), may now obtain
Tennessee Expungement Fees
Due to the new Tennessee expungement law (allowing for the erasure of an arrest or conviction from public record) effective July 1, 2012, there has
Field Sobriety Testing in Oklahoma
When someone is pulled over for suspicious driving, the police officer is trained to test for different causes. Were they distracted? Texting? Intoxicated? To find
Butt-Chugging & Alcohol Enemas
During the last week, the news in Knoxville has focused on an unbelievably stupid or ignorant act by a University of Tennessee fraternity member who,
Maine’s “Move Over Law” – Another Reason To Get Pulled Over
For a law enforcement officer to stop you, they must have a “reasonable articulable suspicion” that criminal activity is underway. One issue that gives rise
The Cost of Getting a DUI in Georgia
Most people don’t think about how costly getting a DUI could be because nobody ever plans to get a DUI. We plan for retirement, we
The Dookhan Disaster
Annie Dookhan, a former Massachusetts chemist is making national headlines for allegedly “dry-labbing” as many as 60,000 drug samples used in 34,000 criminal cases over
Gastric Bypass Patients Beware!
Alcohol Consumption Affects Gastric Bypass Patients Differently. In 2011, the American College of Surgeons issued a press release reporting that patients who underwent a Roux-en-Y
Why Do Some Cops Always Report Identical Symptoms?
As any experienced DUI attorney knows, many police officers are considerably less than honest in their written DUI reports and in their testimony. One of
Alabama Ignition Interlock Law In Effect, But System Is Not Ready
by Phillip B. Price, Sr. Alabama’s new DUI ignition interlock law went into effect at the beginning of September. However, the regulatory scheme and infrastructure
Algorithms and Infrared Detection of Drunk Drivers
Liat Clark, a reporter for WIRED.CO.UK, wrote on September 4, 2012 that two computer scientists have published a paper explaining that the use of
Anyone Can Be Arrested On Suspicion Of Driving Under The Influence
As Steve Oberman from Tennessee recently noted (see his blog entry of August 10, 2012), anyone can be arrested for suspected DUI. Recently in California,
New Kansas Test Refusal Law – Strictly Enforced
On July 1, 2012, the Kansas Legislature’s new test refusal law criminalizing the refusal of a requested blood, breath, or urine test went into effect.
DUI News by State
- Alabama DUI News (6)
- Arizona DUI News (18)
- Arkansas DUI News (3)
- California DUI News (84)
- Colorado DUI News (16)
- DUI News Digest (522)
- Florida DUI News (47)
- Georgia DUI News (17)
- Hawaii DUI News (9)
- Illinois DUI News (3)
- Indiana DUI News (3)
- Kansas DUI News (3)
- Kentucky DUI News (5)
- Maine DUI News (8)
- Maryland DUI News (1)
- Massachusetts DUI News (38)
- Michigan DUI News (23)
- Minnesota DUI News (1)
- Mississippi DUI News (31)
- Missouri DUI News (6)
- Montana DUI News (1)
- Nebraska DUI News (1)
- New Mexico DUI News (1)
- New York DUI News (11)
- North Carolina DUI News (2)
- Ohio DUI News (49)
- Oklahoma DUI News (16)
- Pennsylvania DUI News (10)
- South Dakota DUI News (1)
- Tennessee DUI News (146)
- Texas DUI News (26)
- U.S. DUI News (750)
- Uncategorized (6)
- Utah DUI News (4)
- Virginia DUI News (17)
- Washington DUI News (4)
- West Virginia DUI News (20)
- Wisconsin DUI News (2)