Birchfield involves a trilogy of cases dealing with criminalizing a refusal to submit to a blood or breath test in DUI prosecutions. The Birchfield holding
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Birchfield involves a trilogy of cases dealing with criminalizing a refusal to submit to a blood or breath test in DUI prosecutions. The Birchfield holding
What are the requirements for the admission of the intoxilizer breath tests in DUI cases? This question has been litigated for years. To some extent,
This article deals with methods to suppress the blood alcohol number versus the numerous attacks on the number as it relates to the intoxilizer. It
Effective July 1, 2020 Kentucky has passed a new Ignition Interlock Bill for those convicted of DUI. The Bill makes dramatic changes to the existing
The Alco-Sensor III is the main preliminary breath tester (PBT) used in Kentucky. The PBT may be used by the police pursuant to KRS 189A.100.
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