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U.S. DUI News
Miley Cyrus is dancing with her, Kanye West sings about her. So who is Molly? Molly is a fairly common street drug that causes hallucinations
Colorado DUI Enforcement: The Myths Behind the Numbers
Law enforcement officials in Colorado say they made 1,342 DUI arrests between August 16 and September 3 — a time period during which they typically
Blood Draws in the Wild, Wild, West.
Texas is following Arizona on what appears to be a slippery-slope which will be affecting more states as time goes on. A new law went
Michigan Law Ignores Child Endangerment While Drunk Snowmobiling
According to the DNR: With its unique combination of abundant annual snowfall, exciting terrain and extensive trail network, Michigan is a popular destination for snowmobilers
Latest battle with the West Virginia DMV
A couple weeks ago, I had the privilege of appearing in Kanawha County Circuit Court, in front of the Honorable Judge Bailey, on behalf of
Unconstitutional Blood Draws
There is a good deal of debate in the legal community about whether warrantless blood samples taken from DUI suspects are constitutional following the U.S.
New tool to protect your constitutional rights: police mounted video cameras.
The Chesapeake Police Department in Virginia has drastically increased its use of video recording. The TASER Company reported on their website that in April of
Massachusetts Lifetime Look-Back and CWOF
Massachusetts has a lifetime look-back when it comes to operating under the influence (OUI) cases which means that any offense you commit can come back
Will I lose my license if I am arrested for DUI in Arizona?
By simply driving in the State of Arizona, you impliedly agree that if you are stopped and arrested for DUI, you will submit to chemical
AZ Governor Jan Brewer (not) Arrested for DUI
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “Hypocrisy” as “a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false
Challenging the new DMV regulations
Starting in approximately 2011, a series of high publicity cases involving repeat DWI offenders led to a campaign to keep these drivers off the road.
AZ Supreme Court Shoots Down Attack on Breath Testing Defenses
Arizona Supreme Court Unanimously Shoots Down Prosecution’s Attack on Breath Testing Defenses What started as a seemingly routine motion to prevent the defense from telling
Blood Tests Found Unreliable in 11 Felony DUI Cases
Major problems at the Scottsdale, Arizona Crime Lab will help to clear at least eleven people charged with felony DUI and possibly hundreds more charged
Medical Marijuana Card Doesn’t Protect Drivers in AZ
A Medical Marijuana Card will not protect you from a DUI in Arizona. To understand why the card will not protect you, you must first
Can a DUI Conviction be Expunged in Arizona?
Can a DUI Conviction be Expunged in Arizona? Mandatory jail time, fines, ignition interlocks and license loss are direct effects of a DUI. There are
DUI News by State
- Alabama DUI News (6)
- Arizona DUI News (18)
- Arkansas DUI News (3)
- California DUI News (84)
- Colorado DUI News (16)
- DUI News Digest (523)
- Florida DUI News (47)
- Georgia DUI News (17)
- Hawaii DUI News (9)
- Illinois DUI News (3)
- Indiana DUI News (3)
- Kansas DUI News (3)
- Kentucky DUI News (5)
- Maine DUI News (8)
- Maryland DUI News (1)
- Massachusetts DUI News (38)
- Michigan DUI News (23)
- Minnesota DUI News (1)
- Mississippi DUI News (31)
- Missouri DUI News (6)
- Montana DUI News (1)
- Nebraska DUI News (1)
- New Mexico DUI News (1)
- New York DUI News (11)
- North Carolina DUI News (2)
- Ohio DUI News (49)
- Oklahoma DUI News (16)
- Pennsylvania DUI News (10)
- South Dakota DUI News (1)
- Tennessee DUI News (146)
- Texas DUI News (26)
- U.S. DUI News (751)
- Uncategorized (7)
- Utah DUI News (4)
- Virginia DUI News (17)
- Washington DUI News (4)
- West Virginia DUI News (20)
- Wisconsin DUI News (2)