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U.S. DUI News
TSA Abuse- Needed Attention
Another TSA Video To Make Your Blood Boil This video demonstrates the abuse of power that we as an advanced society must study and address.
Loss of Concealed Carry for DWIs in Virginia
While the concealed carry law was NOT changed in Virginia this year, the very long concealed carry section was reorganized into a number of smaller sections.

DUI Checkpoints: The Constitutionally Suspect Secondary Screening Stage
With Super Bowl Sunday upon us, law enforcement agencies throughout California will be participating in DUI Checkpoints this evening. Ever since these warrantless stops were
PA ARD Expungements
After successful completion of the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program, one may motion for an expungement. But, what does this mean? An expungement removes the

Hero or Harasser ? Hero I Say.
Man gets arrested for warning drivers about upcoming speed traps. He is also against how the speed traps are being enforced. Cops hiding behind signs
Is Serum Blood Testing a Reliable Method for Drunk Driving Cases?
If you were arrested in Michigan for drunk driving, and your blood was drawn by the police, then your blood was almost certainly tested at
DUI and Your Career
When most people think about a DUI arrest or conviction, they immediately think about spending the night in jail or having to pay a fine.
Legally Prescribed Medication May Lead to a DUI Conviction
I receive many calls from persons arrested for DUI by prescription drugs who want to use as their defense the fact that they were taking
New 2013 NHTSA Field Sobriety Testing Manual
Here at DUINewsBlog.org, The Wagner Law Firm, West Virginia’s Premier DUI Defense Firm, strives to continually bring you the latest and most current developments and
DWI Tyranny
Authoritarian states permit the alteration of truth; “to rewrite history retrospectively; to distort the news, suppress the true, add the false. Propaganda is substituted for
Chemical Test Refusals May Not be Criminal
In the context of a drunk driving arrest, a handful of states have enacted statutes criminalizing chemical test refusal. These states are Minnesota, Nebraska, Alaska,
Drunk Driving Entrapment?
Suppose a police officer asks or orders an individual to drive a vehicle — and then arrests him for DUI when he complies? Does this
Breath Alcohol Doesn’t Exist!
An essential fundamental of experimental science is that if something can’t be measured, it does not exist. One noteworthy scientist, Mr. William H. George, phrased
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Re-Testing 2,800 Blood Alcohol Samples After Discovering a Mistaken Switch
The Knoxville News Sentinel (the local Knoxville newspaper) reported on a recent discovery that a TBI employee had mishandled and mistakenly switched the blood alcohol
Reckless and Careless Driving and DUI
If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence, it is likely that you have also been charged with one or more summary offense. A
DUI News by State
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