Wednesday, October 23, 2024
The Latest DUI News and Information From DUI Defense Attorneys Across the Country

Vehicles Most Likely to be Driven by Drunk Drivers

Miami rush hour, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Most people are aware that the type of vehicle they drive, together with a number of other factors, including even the color of their vehicle, affect the cost of their automobile insurance. That is because insurance companies have studied which vehicles are more likely to be involved in an accident and adjust the rates accordingly. For instance, statistics have shown that red cars receive more speeding tickets than cars of a different color, and therefore the insurance rates for red cars are higher.

On December 22, 2020, BGR News reported that Insurify, an American insurance comparison shopping website, compiled data from car insurance applications to determine which vehicle models had the greatest chance of being driven by someone who had been convicted of a DUI.

Interestingly, the vehicles most likely to be driven by someone with a DUI conviction were pickup trucks, followed next by luxury cars such as the BMW 4 series and BMW 7 series.

Vehicles operated by individuals having the least number of DUI convictions were reported to be the Toyota RAV4, Hyundai Sante Fe, and Toyota Sienna.  More details about the final report may be found in the BGR article linked here.  The cost of insurance is is just something to consider when you think about purchasing your next vehicle.

About the Author: Steven Oberman has been licensed in Tennessee since 1980, and successfully defended over 2,500 DUI defendants.  Among the many honors bestowed upon him, Steve has served as Dean of the National College for DUI Defense, Inc. (NCDD) and currently serves as chair of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers DUI Committee.  Steve was the first lawyer in Tennessee to be Board Certified as a DUI Defense Specialist by the NCDD.

He is the author of DUI: The Crime & Consequences in Tennessee, updated annually since 1991 (Thomson-West), and co-author with Lawrence Taylor of the national treatise, Drunk Driving Defense, 8th edition (Wolters Kluwer/Aspen).  Steve has served as an adjunct professor at the University of Tennessee Law School since 1993 and has received a number of prestigious awards for his faculty contributions.  He is a popular international speaker, having spoken at legal seminars in 30 states, the District of Columbia and six foreign countries.  After being named a Fulbright Scholar, Steve was honored to teach as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Latvia Law School in the capital city of Riga, Latvia during the Spring Semester of 2019.  If you would like to contact the author, please visit his website at

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Picture of Steve Oberman

Steve Oberman

Since graduating from the University of Tennessee Law School in 1980, Mr. Oberman has become established as a national authority on the intricacies of DUI defense law. Steve is a former Dean of the National College for DUI Defense, co-author of a national treatise ("Drunk Driving Defense" published by Aspen/Wolters-Kluwer), and author of "DUI: The Crime and Consequences in Tennessee" (published by Thomson-Reuters/West). He has taught thousands of lawyers, judges, and members of the general public about the intricacies of this crime. Steve was selected as a Fulbright Scholar to teach American Criminal Law and American Trial Advocacy at the University of Latvia School of Law in 2019; in 2023 taught for a semester as a visiting professor at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Faculty of Law in Budapest, Hungary; and as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Law in 2024. Steve has also presented at a number of judicial conferences in the United States and Canada as well as for law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Czech Republic Police Academy. As a Tennessee DUI attorney, Mr. Oberman has successfully defended over two thousand clients charged with Driving Under the Influence of alcohol and/or drugs. In 2006, Mr. Oberman became the first DUI lawyer in Tennessee to be recognized by the National College for DUI Defense as a Board Certified Specialist in the area of DUI Defense law.

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