Wednesday, February 12, 2025
The Latest DUI News and Information From DUI Defense Attorneys Across the Country

Pike County teacher arrested on DUI charges

PIKE COUNTY, Ky. (WYMT) – One Pike County teacher was arrested Friday morning on DUI charges.

An officer with Kentucky State Police Post 9 said he noticed Joshua Preece was not wearing a seatbelt and pulled him over.

It happened on US 119 in the Zebulon community of Pike County around 10 A.M.

Officials with KSP say after stopping the vehicle and talking to Preece, the officer could smell a strong odor of marijuana coming from the car.

Preece is a tenured Social Studies teacher at Pike Central High School.

According to a citation, a police officer asked Preece when he smoked marijuana last and he said, “40 minutes ago”.

KSP searched the vehicle and found a mason jar in the center console with marijuana inside.

After failing a sobriety test, Preece was arrested and taken to Pikeville Medical Center where he refused to take a blood test. Officials say Preece told them he did not want any results of his blood on record.

Preece was charged with DUI first offense, possession of marijuana, failure to wear seatbelts, no registration plates, no registration receipt and failure to produce insurance card.

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