An ignition interlock device (IID) is installed after specific DUI (driving under the influence) infractions, such as high blood alcohol content (BAC) levels, repeat offenses, or refusal to take a breathalyzer test during an arrest.
For individuals convicted of a DUI, IIDs represent a balance between accountability, rehabilitation, and the opportunity to regain road freedoms.

The Impact of IIDs on Driving Privileges
Allows Restricted Driving Privileges During License Suspension
All 50 states have enforced ignition interlock laws; 34 states and Washington D.C. mandate IIDs for all DUI convictions, including a first-time offense. Whether you install an IID before or after receiving a restricted license is determined by your specific state’s laws. A restricted license, or a hardship license, allows you to drive your vehicle during your license suspension period, given that an interlock device is installed.
Assists with License Reinstatement
Restoring full driving privileges after a suspension usually depends on how compliant one stays in their ignition interlock program. Demonstrating consistent compliance with the IID’s requirements, such as providing clean breath samples, avoiding circumventing the car breathalyzer, and adhering to scheduled maintenance, can significantly reduce the overall suspension period.
Fosters Safer Driving Habits
A 2020 study published in the National Library of Medicine demonstrated that ignition interlock devices significantly reduce both DUI incidents and recidivism rates. This suggests that consistent compliance can foster safer driving habits, leading to a positive and lasting impact on individuals’ lives.
Responsible Driving and the Role of IIDs
Finding an effective ignition interlock program is the first step to responsibly returning to the road. LifeSafer Ignition Interlock is known for its reliable interlock device, convenient company benefits, and proper customer care. They make IID installation simple by offering guaranteed same day installation or the first month free. LifeSafer also makes compliance easy, as support is available 24/7 and resources for troubleshooting and common questions are available online.
Ignition interlock devices aren’t just tools for legal compliance; they are a privilege. IIDs are enablers of safer roads, accountability, and rehabilitation. For DUI offenders, installing an IID offers a pathway to gain a second chance of driving responsibly while ensuring public safety.