Powdered Alcohol Set To Go On Sale This Summer? In Oklahoma?

A new formulation of alcohol in powdered form has apparently been approved by the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. What this will mean when it comes to state laws governing driving while under the influence of alcohol remains to be fully understood, but some states are already enacting legislation to restrict or even to prohibit the sale of the new product.

The inventor of the new product has named it “Palcohol.” The formulation for how it is made is subject to patent, but the idea is that packing an alcoholic beverage for a trip will soon be as easy as taking along any other kind of powdered beverage. All that is needed to mix a liquor drink – a margarita, or a shot of rum or vodka, for example – will be to just add water.

The claimed advantage of Palcohol is its easy portability. Without the weight of liquid alcohol, taking along a stiff drink on activities like hiking or camping now becomes more practical. Some have suggested that even commercial air carriers may be interested in the weight-saving advantage.

The novel formulation is not without its detractors. Their objections can be summarized as follows:

● The concealability of the Palcohol packets may present a new and harder-to-counter avenue for teenage drinking. Also, people may seek to surreptitiously bring powdered alcohol into venues that otherwise prohibit alcohol.

● The powdered form of the alcohol may lead the curious or the adventurous – read once again, “teenagers” – to seek ways to use it in ways that are either more difficult to detect, such as sprinkling it on food, or unconventional and possibly even dangerous, like inhaling or “snorting” the powder or mixing a packet into an alcoholic beverage to create a new drink that is even more potent.

Oklahoma is one of the states that is contemplating a ban on powdered alcohol much like any other illegal drug: if signed into law by the state governor, the already-approved Senate Bill 720 would prohibit the sale, purchase and possession of Palcohol.

Even if Palcohol becomes illegal in Oklahoma, that does not mean that it will not make its way into the state. Indeed, the lightweight nature of the product and its pre-packaged dosages will make it tempting for some to bring it in from other states, along the same lines as how legalized marijuana coming into Oklahoma from Colorado is already a phenomenon that law enforcement takes so seriously that Oklahoma has joined other states in suing Colorado for its marijuana legalization law.

The perceived dangers of Palcohol have also drawn the attention of some in the federal government. U.S. Senator Charles Schumer has already introduced legislation to ban the product nationwide, and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau has also backtracked at least temporarily on its approval of the product, albeit for labeling issues.

Regardless of the form it takes, consuming alcohol and then driving will always be a bad idea that can lead to serious legal consequences after an arrest and conviction. Anyone facing drunk driving charges, whether from a legal or illegal source of liquor, will require an aggressive defense to avoid or at least mitigate those consequences.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime in Oklahoma, contact the Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers at the Hunsucker Legal Group for your free consultation. (405) 231-5600

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John Hunsucker

Located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, John is the lead attorney with the Hunsucker Legal Group. The Hunsucker Legal Group is a multi-attorney firm defending over 300 DUI cases a year. John is a Director on the Board of the Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Association and a Sustaining Member of the National College of DUI Defense. Serving as Oklahoma’s NCDD State Delegate, John is also a Faculty Member of the National College for DUI Defense. John is one of only a few attorneys in the country that actually owns the Intoxilyzer 8000 and has instructed attorneys in the United States and Canada on the use and problems of the machine as well as other DUI defense subjects. John has co-authored 20 books on the subject of DUI Defense including Oklahoma DUI Defense, The Law and Practice (Lawyers and Judges Publishing). John has been featured as a legal expert nationally on CourtTV’s Open Court with Lisa Bloom and CourtTV’s In Session with Ashleigh Banfield. Locally, he has appeared on every major news station in the Oklahoma City market and has been quoted in the Daily Oklahoman for his extensive knowledge of DUI law. In 2012, 2013 and 2014, John was selected as the Daily Oklahoman Reader’s Choice Best DUI Attorney. John may be reached through his website, www.OKDUI.com or by telephone at 405-231-5600.

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