Delhi man arrested for murder, DUI for killing teen in crash released from charges

A driver with multiple past DUI convictions who allegedly drank alcohol and was behind the wheel during a fatal crash will not be charged with felonies.

Delhi resident Michael Lindo, 33, pleaded no contest Friday to a misdemeanor charge and was released, according to the Merced County District Attorney’s Office. He originally was arrested after being arrested on charges of murder and driving under the influence

Lindo was driving a 2000 Chevrolet Tahoe east on August Avenue at about 30 mph after 9 p.m. on Jan. 23 when the Tahoe hit Jennifer Arroyo, a 17-year-old Delhi girl, as she was walking on the street.

Lindo reportedly sped away from the scene, but then returned later and called 9-1-1, according to investigation reports.

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