Former Colts QB Jack Trudeau apologizes at DUI sentencing

Nearly a year ago, former Indianapolis Colts quarterback Jack Trudeau was pulled over for drunken driving, let expletives fly at police officers and threatened an officer that he was “going to light (him) up.”

On Thursday, his attorney said, Trudeau stood in court a healthier man and apologized to the officer.

“He’s very regretful of his behavior,” said Trudeau’s attorney, Dan Coffey. “He has really turned it around from a year ago.”

Trudeau was arrested in Zionsville in July after he was pulled over for driving drunk, then threatened to kill a Zionsville police officer in a profanity-laced rant. The arrest was his second for drunken driving and among a string of legal problems and brushes with law enforcement over the years.

The 53-year-old former Colt, Coffey said, spent a year in treatment for alcoholism. Coffey also attributed some of Trudeau’s problems over the years to the concussions he sustained as a professional football player.

Trudeau must serve three days in the Boone County Jail and spend two years on probation after he pleaded guilty Thursday to misdemeanor counts of drunken driving and intimidating a police officer.

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