New West Virginia Seatbelt law coming

Here at, The Wagner Law Firm, West Virginia’s Premier DUI Defense Firm, owned and operated by West Virginia DUI Defense Attorney, Harley Wagner, continually strives to provide the most current and useful Driving Under the Influence information as related to our fellow citizens and that of our state and federal governments continual over zealous prosecution thereof.  

The Wagner Law Firm’s most current blog of DUI information centers upon a new WV seatbelt law that is scheduled to take effect September 1, 2013, and therein provides law enforcement with yet another lawful reason, in a long line of such lawful reasons, for pulling a citizen’s vehicle over and therein subjecting the citizen to a potential arrest for DUI.  

Specifically, and per 17C-15-49 of the West Virginia Code, effective September 1, 2013, any one who drives a motor vehicle in the state of West Virginia, including any and all passengers, shall be required to maintain a restrained safety belt, or child passenger safety device system, meeting applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards.

While a violation of this code section comes with it but a $25,00 fine and no points assessed to the citizen’s license, it does come with yet another lawful justification for law enforcement throughout the state of West Virginia to use said violation as a means to pull your vehicle over for citation issuance, and from there the potential for a DUI arrest.

Texting and hand held cellular phone use are two other big areas of current law enforcement attention and focus as a lawful means by which to be able to pull a vehicle over, particularly from the 8-9:00pm through 3-4:00am hours, Thursday through Sunday, of any given week. Noting these time frames and period of each week are generally thought of as the period in which the majority of DUI arrests occur in this country.

So, the lesson that need be taken from The Wagner Law Firm, June 16, 2013 post, is to make sure that you and every one of your passengers is wearing his or her seal belt, or child approved safety restraint, prior to driving your car; and further, to make sure that you do not text or hold your cellular phone while driving. Failure to adhere to these cautions subjects you to being pulled over and cited by law enforcement, and that of the potential for arrest for a driving under the influence.

Drive smart! Wear your seat belt. Do not text while driving. Do not hold your cellular phone while driving. Do not give law enforcement a reason to stop you.


Harley O. Wagner, Esq.

The Wagner Law Firm

West Virginia’s Premier DUI Defense Firm




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Harley Wagner

Recently Named Best DUI attorney in West Virginia There is hope after a DUI arrest. If you are looking for somewhere to turn for help with your WV DUI, look no further. DUI lawyer Harley Wagner is here to put the pieces of your life back together. Speak with him today about how to build a defense for your DUI case. View Full Bio

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