Wednesday, February 12, 2025
The Latest DUI News and Information From DUI Defense Attorneys Across the Country

Pennsylvania ARD License Suspensions for Out of State Drivers

Many times, clients wonder what will happen to their out of state license when their Pennsylvania driving privileges have been suspended once they are accepted into the accelerated rehabilitative disposition (ARD) program.

The bottom line is that you will be able to continue driving in every other state, including your home state, except for Pennsylvania.  The question is, how do you know once you leave the courthouse after being accepted into ARD whether your suspension has begun seeing as though you do not have to surrender your out of state license?

First, before leaving the courthouse on the day you are accepted into the program, the court will indicate your period of suspension: 30 days for a blood alcohol content (BAC) 0.10% to under 0.16%, 60 days for a BAC 0.16% or over, and if you are under 21, 90 days.

Second, as long as PennDOT has your correct address, you will receive a suspension notification letter in the mail.  If you do not receive this letter within 4 weeks, contact PennDOT to see if they have your correct address on file and have received notice of your suspension.

Third, if they do not have notice of your suspension, this does not mean you are off the hook.  Contact your attorney to make sure your suspension is noted.  You do not want to find out down the line that you never completed your suspension and thus, never completed the program.  If they have notice of your suspension, indicate that you will submit the appropriate form (DL-16LC) found on PennDOT’s website and follow up to make sure PennDOT received it, processed it, and your suspension has begun.

Third, you must not drive in Pennsylvania once your suspension period has begun.  If you are found to be driving in Pennsylvania, you risk being removed from the program, facing the DUI conviction which you would have avoided had you properly completed the ARD program, and will face additional criminal charges such as driving while suspended.

Lastly, know that you may not automatically drive the day after your suspension period has been completed.  Once your 30, 60 or 90 day suspension is completed, you must have your driving privileges reinstated.  You will receive a Restoration Requirements letter from PennDOT as long as your address on file is current.  If you do not receive your letter, you can go on their website to request this letter.  Once you follow the restoration requirements, your Pennsylvania driving privileges will be reinstated and you may then drive in Pennsylvania.

Have a Pennsylvania license or DUI related question? Contact Attorney Stephen L. Jones’s office today: (610) 999-9384.

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Stephen L. Jones

Attorney Stephen L. Jones is a former prosecutor who has successfully defended over 1,000 OUI cases. He is board certified in DUI Defense and a Regent of the National College for DUI Defense. Recognized as an expert on DUI defense, Mr. Jones is often asked to share his opinion on the law by the media and has appeared on The Today Show, Inside Edition, and the Discovery Channel. He has also lectured on the subject of courtroom testimony at the FBI Academy at Quantico. If you are currently facing DUI charges in Pennsylvania, please contact Mr. Jones today. Mr. Jones’s team of lawyers can help you contest the loss of your driving privileges and begin preparing a defense for your criminal case.

7 Responses

  1. I am a ny resident and I am on the ard program. My license in ny is suspended and they want me to take a duo 7 week class in ny. I have no du I convictions in ny. Why is my license suspended in ny and pa?

    1. Your license should not have been suspended for being on the ARD Program in PA as NY operates on convictions, not administrative suspensions. Were you up for renewal in NY? If so it is possible that NY looked to see if you were suspended in any other state, saw your PA license suspension, and won’t reinstate your NY license until you are reinstated in PA. I am unsure of why they would also require you to take the classes if you have to do them as part of the ARD program in PA. Please do not hesitate to call our PA office at (610) 999-9384 or Peter Gerstenzang in NY at (518) 456-6456 with any additional questions. Giving us additional information on your case may shed some light.

  2. im a pa resident, if my license is suspended for an physical control in ohio, will it also be revoked in pa? and if so, will i have to go to ohio for ard classes or can they be taken in pa?

    1. Tony,
      Unfortunately, it is not appropriate to provide legal advice through this forum. Please consult with your lawyer or contact Ashley Killeen at 610-999-9384. Best of luck, Steve Oberman

  3. I am a York County resident on administrative probation and ARD program due to DUI and small possession of MJ in Perry county…..I have to take the highway safety courses but have no way of getting up to perry county….are these courses required for my DL restoration? The restoration requirements letter does not say so. Or do these classes have to be completed to get off probation? I can apply for DL again on Nov. 1st. I am on probation till Jan of 2016. I need to get to the classes but cant due to i cant drive….im between a rock and hard place….or am i wrong?

    1. Josh,
      Unfortunately, it is not appropriate to provide legal advice through this forum. Please consult with your lawyer or contact Ashley Killeen at 610-999-9384. Best of luck, Steve Oberman

  4. DUI in PA, DE resident. License was suspended 2 months at ARD hearing January 18th, and filled out the form, maybe DL16 since I am an out of state resisdent and kept my physical license. Been a month so far and still no letter from Penndot. The court gave me no other steps to take other then handing in the form I did at court.

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