New Tostitos Party Bag Detects Alcohol and Gets You Home Safely

Super Bowl Sunday is fast approaching. In 2015, 45 people were killed on Super Bowl Sunday in drunk-driving accidents. Frito-Lay hopes to reduce the number of impaired drivers on the road this Sunday with their new “Tostitos Party Bag.”

A micro-controller installed in the bag detects small traces of alcohol in your breath. After detecting alcohol, the bag will either show a green circle or a red steering wheel depending on whether alcohol is detected. If alcohol is detected the red steering wheel appears with the message “Don’t Drink and Drive” and provides a $10 off Uber code during February 5th Super Bowl Sunday.

Additionally, the bag contains “Near-Field Communication” technology that calls an Uber from a phone that simply taps the bag. Frito-Lay, Uber, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) have all teamed together with hopes to remove 25,000 drivers from the roads during Super Bowl Sunday this year. Read more about the party bag here.

Be safe this Super Bowl Sunday, but if you find yourself in trouble with the law because of a drunk-driving incident, call our office at 601-948-4444, we can help. You will receive a free consultation to discuss your options. Additionally, check out our attorneys Victor Carmody, Kevin Stewart, and Lance Mixon at, at, at, and at

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Victor Carmody

I am the owner and managing partner of Victor W.Carmody Jr.P.A. My practice has taken me into all 82 counties of this state and most of the cities. I have also been priviledged to have represented clients in 15 other states. And as founding regent of The National College of DUI Defense I have relationships with almost 1000 DUI attorneys around the country, and I keep constant contact to share ideas and techniques to better assist in and out-of-state clients. I have always enjoyed helping people with their DUI problems.

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