DUI Arrests Increase During Memorial Day Weekend – Protect Your Rights!

Memorial Day Weekend is almost upon us – and many people across Orange County and the country are gearing up for one of the first three-day weekends of the spring/summer season. Naturally, Memorial Day Weekend has become a popular time to travel, celebrate, and enjoy a few drinks. Unfortunately, it also sees a significant spike in alcohol-related arrests, accidents, and injuries.

In the U.S., holiday weekends are some of the most dangerous times of year when it comes to impaired driving. Although holidays present more alcohol-related dangers than usual to everyone, they can be increasingly dangerous for youth. In fact, the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day – a time when most students are on summer vacation – is known as “The 100 Deadliest Days” for teens and young adults on U.S. highways.

In an effort to prevent repetition of the sobering statistics, authorities almost always increase enforcement during Memorial Day Weekend. In particular, they tend to focus on alcohol-related crimes such as assault and battery, public intoxication, and most significantly DUI. Their efforts often include:

  • Having more officers patrol local, state, and federal property
  • Saturation patrols where officers focus on signs of impaired driving
  • Sobriety checkpoints where officers stop vehicles and check drivers for licenses and impairment

Periods of increased enforcement can have a positive impact on spreading awareness about drunk driving and on reducing the number of preventable accidents on public roads. However, increased enforcement may also create overzealousness among law enforcement officers who become overly concerned with arrest numbers. As a result, they may perform unlawful stops or searches, or otherwise infringe upon the rights of drivers.

If you have plans for being out and about this upcoming Memorial Day Weekend, the Law Offices of Virginia L. Landry, Inc. encourages you to make safety a priority and to plan for a sober ride if you will be drinking. Even if you don’t drink or stay well within your limits, we advise you to visit our website to learn more about protecting your rights during a DUI stop. Remember, you have the right to remain silent and request a lawyer at any time.

In the event that you or someone you know is arrested under suspicion of DUI in Orange County, CA over the holiday weekend, our award-winning legal team will be readily available to help you learn more about your case and what we can do to help. Visit www.DUIQueen.com to learn more or call 877-DUI-QUEEN today!

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Picture of Virginia Landry

Virginia Landry

Virginia L. Landry is founder of the Law Offices of Virginia L. Landry, Inc., a recognized and proven criminal and DUI defense law firm serving clients throughout Orange County. Ms. Landry is Board Certified in DUI Defense from the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) and the past Board of Director of the Orange County Bar Association. She remains committed to defending the rights and futures of her clients, and has built a reputation for her honest and aggressive advocacy.

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