The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court recently modified the scheduling order set by the District Court Department regarding the defense bar’s challenge to the scientific reliability of the Draeger Alcotest 9510 breath test machines. Justice Botsford, citing the complex nature of the matter, extended the litigation into next year. The modified schedule allows the defense bar more time to examine the machines and for all parties to produce and review expert opinions.

Pursuant to the modified schedule, the defense bar must return the machines to the Massachusetts Office of Alcohol Testing by November 21, 2016 and expert reports will be exchanged by December 5. The defense Daubert/Lanigan motion will be filed by December 15 and the Commonwealth’s response will be received by January 5, 2017.

Justice Botsford noted the significant judicial resources allocated to the matter and that the resolution of more than fifteen hundred cases depends on the final adjudication of the proceedings. Therefore, she ordered that the final hearing in district court be held no later than January 31, 2017 and that no further extensions be granted unless allowed by the presiding judge.

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Picture of Joseph Waldbaum

Joseph Waldbaum

Joseph Waldbaum has been licensed as an attorney in Massachusetts for the last nineteen years. He has also been a member of the National College of DUI Defense for fifteen years, routinely attending their national seminars. You may learn more about Mr. Waldbaum through his websites at ma-oui.com, waldbaumlaw.com or ouilawyermassachusetts.com. You may also reach him by phone at 978.921.4100 or at joseph@waldbaumlaw.com.

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