Massachusetts Lifetime Look-Back and CWOF

Massachusetts has a lifetime look-back when it comes to operating under the influence (OUI) cases which means that any offense you commit can come back to haunt you.  The state even looks at out-of-state convictions and will count those as priors.  It doesn’t matter if the offense happened 30 years ago!

On first offenses, many lawyers who don’t do a lot of OUI cases may try and sell a disposition called a “continued without a finding” or “CWOF” for short.  It is a diversionary program, but it is virtually the same thing as pleading guilty.  It carries the same penalties, counts as a first offense if you are ever arrested again and stays on your record forever.  To add insult to injury, any employer that checks your record will know that you have admitted to a drunk driving charge even though is termed  “CWOF” in court.


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Picture of Stephen L. Jones

Stephen L. Jones

Attorney Stephen L. Jones is a former prosecutor who has successfully defended over 1,000 OUI cases. He is board certified in DUI Defense and a Regent of the National College for DUI Defense. Recognized as an expert on DUI defense, Mr. Jones is often asked to share his opinion on the law by the media and has appeared on The Today Show, Inside Edition, and the Discovery Channel. He has also lectured on the subject of courtroom testimony at the FBI Academy at Quantico. If you are currently facing DUI charges in Pennsylvania, please contact Mr. Jones today. Mr. Jones’s team of lawyers can help you contest the loss of your driving privileges and begin preparing a defense for your criminal case.

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