Liat Clark, a reporter for WIRED.CO.UK, wrote on September 4, 2012 that two computer scientists have published a paper explaining that the use of two separate algorithms used in conjunction with thermal imaging may be used in the future to scan for potential drunk drivers.
Georgia Koukiou and Vassilis Anastassopoulos of the University of Patras in Greece authored a paper published in the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics. The theory is based on the fact that alcohol causes blood–vessel dilation at the skin surface of a person’s face and compares the data with that gathered from thermal–imaging scans.
The second algorithm is used to determine whether the individual’s nose is warmer while the forehead remains far cooler. The study acknowledges, though, that human, environmental, and equipment variables may affect the accuracy of collected data. the implication is that officers could use this method, or a similar method instead of field sobriety tests to determine whether a driver is too impaired to operate a motor vehicle.
For more information, the original article may be found online at:
The lawyers at the Oberman and Rice law firm make a special effort to watch for current trends in identifying impaired or intoxicated drivers. You may always contact us to obtain information relevant to a Tennessee DUI case.